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Local Quantum Physics Crossroads
An international platform for information exchange among scientists working on
mathematical, conceptual, and constructive problems in
local relativistic quantum physics (LQP).
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On the equivalence of AQFTs and prefactorization algebras
Marco Benini
Victor Carmona
Alastair Grant-Stuart
Alexander Schenkel
December 10, 2024
algebraic quantum field theory
factorization algebras
homotopical algebra
Lorentzian geometry
open access link
Haag-Kastler stacks
Marco Benini
Alastair Grant-Stuart
Alexander Schenkel
April 22, 2024
algebraic quantum field theory
locally covariant quantum field theory
Lorentzian geometry
descent conditions
locally presentable categories
open access link
Lorentzian bordisms in algebraic quantum field theory
Severin Bunk
James MacManus
Alexander Schenkel
August 02, 2023
algebraic quantum field theory
functorial field theory
Lorentzian geometry
open access link
Operads, homotopy theory and higher categories in algebraic quantum field theory
Marco Benini
Alexander Schenkel
May 05, 2023
algebraic quantum field theory
model categories
higher category theory
open access link
The linear CS/WZW bulk/boundary system in AQFT
Marco Benini
Alastair Grant-Stuart
Alexander Schenkel
February 14, 2023
algebraic quantum field theory
boundary conditions in gauge theory
chiral conformal field theory
Chern-Simons theory
Wess-Zumino-Witten model
open access link
Strictification theorems for the homotopy time-slice axiom
Marco Benini
Victor Carmona
Alexander Schenkel
August 08, 2022
algebraic quantum field theory
Gauge theory
homotopical algebra
chain complexes
open access link
Lett. Math. Phys. 113, 20 (2023)
A skeletal model for 2d conformal AQFTs
Marco Benini
Luca Giorgetti
Alexander Schenkel
November 02, 2021
algebraic quantum field theory
conformal field theory
localization of categories
open access link
Paracausal deformations of Lorentzian metrics and Møller isomorphisms in algebraic quantum field theory
Valter Moretti
Simone Murro
Daniele Volpe
September 14, 2021
paracausal deformation
convex interpolation
Cauchy problem
Møller operators
normally hyperbolic operators
algebraic quantum field theory
Hadamard states
globally hyper- bolic manifolds
open access link
Sel. Math. New Ser. 29, 56 (2023)
Relative Cauchy evolution for linear homotopy AQFTs
Simen Bruinsma
Christopher J. Fewster
Alexander Schenkel
August 24, 2021
algebraic quantum field theory
relative Cauchy evolution
Gauge theory
homotopical algebra
chain complexes
BRST/BV formalism
open access link
Smooth 1-dimensional algebraic quantum field theories
Marco Benini
Marco Perin
Alexander Schenkel
October 26, 2020
algebraic quantum field theory
stacks of categories
vertical geometry of fiber bundles
smoothly parametrized differential equations
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