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Local Quantum Physics Crossroads
An international platform for information exchange among scientists working on
mathematical, conceptual, and constructive problems in
local relativistic quantum physics (LQP).
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Smooth 1-dimensional algebraic quantum field theories
Marco Benini
Marco Perin
Alexander Schenkel
October 26, 2020
algebraic quantum field theory
stacks of categories
vertical geometry of fiber bundles
smoothly parametrized differential equations
open access link
Scaling limits of lattice quantum fields by wavelets
Vincenzo Morinelli
Gerardo Morsella
Alexander Stottmeister
Yoh Tanimoto
October 21, 2020
algebraic quantum field theory
scaling limit
Quantum field theory on lattices
renormalization group methods
Wavelet theory
open access link
article file
Covariant homogeneous nets of standard subspaces
Vincenzo Morinelli
Karl-Hermann Neeb
October 14, 2020
algebraic quantum field theory
nets of standard subspaces
Lie groups
representation theory
Bisognano-Wichmann property
open access link
article file
Injective tensor products in strict deformation quantization
Simone Murro
Christiaan J. F. van de Ven
October 07, 2020
Strict deformation quantization
injective tensor product
minimal C ˚ -norm
resolvent algebras
quantum spin system
Heisenberg model
Ising model
Curie-Weiss model.
open access link
Math Phys Anal Geom 25, 2 (2022)
article file
Realization of rigid C*-bicategories as bimodules over type II$_1$ von Neumann algebras
Luca Giorgetti
Wei Yuan
October 02, 2020
open access link
Adv. Math. 415 (2023) 108886
Distortion for multifactor bimodules and representations of multifusion categories
Marcel Bischoff
Ian Charlesworth
Samuel Evington
Luca Giorgetti
David Penneys
October 02, 2020
open access link
Bulk-boundary asymptotic equivalence of two strict deformation quantizations
Valter Moretti
Christiaan J.F. van de Ven
October 01, 2020
open access link
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algebraic quantum field theory (3)
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Bisognano-Wichmann property (1)
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injective tensor product (1)
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minimal C ˚ -norm (1)
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nets of standard subspaces (1)
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Quantum field theory on lattices (1)
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quantum spin system (1)
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renormalization group methods (1)
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representation theory (1)
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resolvent algebras (1)
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smoothly parametrized differential equations (1)
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stacks of categories (1)
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vertical geometry of fiber bundles (1)
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Wavelet theory (1)
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M. Benini (1)
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M. Bischoff (1)
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I. Charlesworth (1)
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V. Moretti (1)
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G. Morsella (1)
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S. Murro (1)
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K.-H. Neeb (1)
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M. Perin (1)
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C. J.F. van de Ven (1)
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C. J. F. van de Ven (1)
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October 2020