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Local Quantum Physics Crossroads
An international platform for information exchange among scientists working on
mathematical, conceptual, and constructive problems in
local relativistic quantum physics (LQP).
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Quantum fields obtained from convoluted generalized white noise never have positive metric
Sergio Albeverio
Hanno Gottschalk
June 03, 2015
open access link
Detailed balance as a quantum-group symmetry of Kraus operators
Andreas Andersson
June 01, 2015
open access link
J. Math. Phys. Vol 59, Issue 2, 022107 (2018)
Local zeta regularization and the scalar Casimir effect IV. The case of a rectangular box
Davide Fermi
Livio Pizzocchero
May 13, 2015
Zeta regularization
Casimir effect
open access link
Int. J. Mod. Phys. A 31 (2016), 1650003 (56 pp) (in a slightly revised version)
Krein spectral triples and the fermionic action
Koen van den Dungen
May 08, 2015
noncommutative geometry
open access link
Math. Phys. Anal. Geom. 19 (2016)
Where Infinite Spin Particles Are Localizable
Roberto Longo
Vincenzo Morinelli
Karl-Henning Rehren
May 07, 2015
open access link
Commun. Math. Phys. 345 (2016) 587-614
Local zeta regularization and the scalar Casimir effect III. The case with a background harmonic potential
Davide Fermi
Livio Pizzocchero
May 07, 2015
Zeta regularization
Casimir effect
open access link
Int. J. Mod. Phys. A 30(35), 1550213 (2015)
Unruh versus Tolman: On the heat of acceleration
Detlev Buchholz
Rainer Verch
May 07, 2015
open access link
Gen. Relat. Gravit. (2016) 48:32
Local zeta regularization and the scalar Casimir effect II. Some explicitly solvable cases
Davide Fermi
Livio Pizzocchero
May 05, 2015
Zeta regularization
Casimir effect
open access link
Local zeta regularization and the scalar Casimir effect I. A general approach based on integral kernels
Davide Fermi
Livio Pizzocchero
May 04, 2015
Zeta regularization
Casimir effect
open access link
Peculiarities of massive vectormesons and their zero mass limits
Bert Schroer
April 20, 2015
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