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Local Quantum Physics Crossroads
An international platform for information exchange among scientists working on
mathematical, conceptual, and constructive problems in
local relativistic quantum physics (LQP).
Background independence and the Adler-Bardeen theorem
Jochen Zahn
September 06, 2022
Gauge theory
open access link
Strictification theorems for the homotopy time-slice axiom
Marco Benini
Victor Carmona
Alexander Schenkel
August 08, 2022
algebraic quantum field theory
Gauge theory
homotopical algebra
chain complexes
open access link
Lett. Math. Phys. 113, 20 (2023)
Relative Cauchy evolution for linear homotopy AQFTs
Simen Bruinsma
Christopher J. Fewster
Alexander Schenkel
August 24, 2021
algebraic quantum field theory
relative Cauchy evolution
Gauge theory
homotopical algebra
chain complexes
BRST/BV formalism
open access link
On multimatrix models motivated by random noncommutative geometry II: A Yang-Mills-Higgs matrix model
Carlos I. Perez-Sanchez
May 03, 2021
finite almost-commutative manifolds
noncommutative geometry
Gauge theory
random noncommutative geometry
quantum gravity
open access link
Ann. Henri Poincaré
Linear Yang-Mills theory as a homotopy AQFT
Marco Benini
Simen Bruinsma
Alexander Schenkel
June 03, 2019
algebraic quantum field theory
locally covariant quantum field theory
Gauge theory
derived critical locus
homotopical algebra
chain complexes
BRST/BV formalism
open access link
Algebraic field theory operads and linear quantization
Simen Bruinsma
Alexander Schenkel
September 14, 2018
algebraic quantum field theory
locally covariant quantum field theory
colored operads
universal constructions
Gauge theory
model categories
open access link
Homotopy theory of algebraic quantum field theories
Marco Benini
Alexander Schenkel
Lukas Woike
May 22, 2018
algebraic quantum field theory
Gauge theory
BRST/BV formalism
model categories
colored operads
homotopy algebras
open access link
Background independence in gauge theories
Mojtaba Taslimi Tehrani
Jochen Zahn
April 20, 2018
Background independence
Fedosov quantization
Gauge theory
open access link
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