Detlev Buchholz
Transplantation of Local Nets and Geometric Modular Action on Robertson-Walker Space-Times Detlev Buchholz, Jens Mund, Stephen J. Summers open access link
Mathematical physics in mathematics and physics (Siena, 2000), 65--81, Fields Inst. Commun. 30, Amer. Math. Soc., Providence, RI, 2001.
Quantum delocalization of the electric charge Detlev Buchholz, Sergio Doplicher, Giovanni Morchio, John E. Roberts, Franco Strocchi open access link Annals Phys. 290 (2001) 53-66
Polarization-Free Generators and the S-Matrix Hans-Jürgen Borchers, Detlev Buchholz, Bert Schroer open access link Commun.Math.Phys. 219 (2001) 125-140
The Quest for Understanding in Relativistic Quantum Physics Detlev Buchholz, Rudolf Haag open access link
J.Math.Phys. 41 (2000) 3674-3697
An Algebraic Characterization of Vacuum States in Minkowski Space. II. Continuity Aspects Detlev Buchholz, Martin Florig, Stephen J. Summers open access link
Lett.Math.Phys. 49 (1999) 337-350