Detlev Buchholz Universität Göttingen Papers Causal Independence and the Energy Level Density of States in Local Quantum Field Theory Detlev Buchholz, Eyvind H. Wichmann March 10, 1986 algebraic quantum field theory, nuclearity conditions, statistical independence, split property open access link Comm. Math. Phys. 106 (1986), 321-344 A note on the inverse scattering problem in quantum field theory Detlev Buchholz, Klaus Fredenhagen February 23, 1977 Commun. Math. Phys. 56, 91-99 Pages« first‹ previous…1011121314 Slides Students On the Construction of Quantum Field Theories with Factorizing S-Matrices Gandalf Lechner PhD Thesis, 2006, Universität Göttingen Advisor: Detlev Buchholz algebraic quantum field theory, constructive quantum field theory, low-dimensional models, modular theory open access link