Gandalf Lechner
I am particularly interested in new approaches to the problem of rigorously constructing quantum field theory models. A novel line of research addresses this question via operator-algebraic deformations of quantum field theories, a topic also connected to non-commutative geometry and quantum field theory on non-commutative spaces. Steve Summers has written a nice overview over the 2009 status of “constructive algebraic quantum field theory” here:
Fock representations of Zamolodchikov algebras and R-matrices Gandalf Lechner, Charley Scotford open access link doi:10.1007/s11005-020-01271-3
Yang-Baxter representations of the infinite symmetric group Gandalf Lechner, Ulrich Pennig, Simon Wood open access link Adv. Math., Vol. 355, 2019, 106769