Simen Bruinsma University of Nottingham Papers Universal first-order Massey product of a prefactorization algebra Simen Bruinsma, Alexander Schenkel, Benoit Vicedo July 10, 2023 prefactorization algebras, dg-operads, minimal models, Massey products open access link Relative Cauchy evolution for linear homotopy AQFTs Simen Bruinsma, Christopher J. Fewster, Alexander Schenkel August 24, 2021 algebraic quantum field theory, relative Cauchy evolution, Gauge theory, homotopical algebra, chain complexes, BRST/BV formalism open access link doi:10.1007/s00220-022-04352-7 Linear Yang-Mills theory as a homotopy AQFT Marco Benini, Simen Bruinsma, Alexander Schenkel June 03, 2019 algebraic quantum field theory, locally covariant quantum field theory, Gauge theory, derived critical locus, homotopical algebra, chain complexes, BRST/BV formalism open access link doi:10.1007/s00220-019-03640-z Algebraic field theory operads and linear quantization Simen Bruinsma, Alexander Schenkel September 14, 2018 algebraic quantum field theory, locally covariant quantum field theory, colored operads, universal constructions, Gauge theory, model categories open access link doi:10.1007/s11005-019-01195-7 Slides Title: Homotopical linear quantum Yang-Mills Event: 44th LQP Workshop "Foundations and Constructive Aspects of QFT" Date: October 25, 2019