Christian D. Jäkel
The ${\mathscr P}(\varphi)_2$ Model on the de Sitter Space João C. A. Barata, Christian D. Jäkel, Jens Mund open access link
Complex Classical Fields and Partial Wick Rotations Arthur Jaffe, Christian D. Jäkel, Roberto E. Martinez II open access link
The Hölder Inequality for KMS States Christian D. Jäkel, Florian Robl open access link Lett Math Phys 102(3), 265-274 (2012)
The relativistic KMS condition for the thermal $n$-point functions of the $P(\varphi)_2$ model Christian D. Jäkel, Florian Robl open access link
On the relativistic KMS condition for the $P(\varphi)_2$ model Christian Gerard, Christian D. Jäkel open access link