Marcel Bischoff
My research interests are Quantum Field Theory and Operator Algebras. In particular I am interested in the construction of models in Quantum Field Theory in low dimensions, Conformal Quantum Field Theory and the theory of Subfactors and relation between these topics.
Generalized Orbifold Construction for Conformal Nets Marcel Bischoff open access link Rev. Math. Phys. 29(01), 1750002 (2017)
A Remark on CFT Realization of Quantum Doubles of Subfactors. Case Index < 4 Marcel Bischoff open access link Lett Math Phys 106(3), 341-363 (2016)
Characterization of 2D rational local conformal nets and its boundary conditions: the maximal case Marcel Bischoff, Yasuyuki Kawahigashi, Roberto Longo open access link