Michael Müger
Conformal Orbifold Theories and Braided Crossed G-Categories Michael Müger open access link Commun. Math. Phys. 260, 727-762 (2005)
Galois extensions of braided tensor categories and braided crossed G-categories Michael Müger open access link
J. Alg. 277 (2004) 256-281
Conformal Field Theory and Doplicher-Roberts Reconstruction Michael Müger open access link
Fields Inst. Commun. 30, 297-319 (2001)
Title: Some ideas of K.-H. Rehren and their ramifications
Event: Quantum Field Theory: Concepts, Constructions & Curved Spacetimes
Date: April 6, 2017
Title: Some ideas of K.-H. Rehren and their ramifications