Michael Dütsch Universität Göttingen Papers Proof of perturbative gauge invariance for tree diagrams to all orders Michael Dütsch February 07, 2005 open access link Annalen Phys. 14 (2005) 438-461 Action Ward Identity and the Stueckelberg-Petermann renormalization group Michael Dütsch, Klaus Fredenhagen January 28, 2005 open access link Prog.Math.251:113-124,2007 Perturbative renormalization and BRST Michael Dütsch, Klaus Fredenhagen November 22, 2004 review open access link Causal perturbation theory in terms of retarded products, and a proof of the Action Ward Identity Michael Dütsch, Klaus Fredenhagen March 22, 2004 open access link doi:10.1142/S0129055X04002266 The Master Ward Identity and Generalized Schwinger-Dyson Equation in Classical Field Theory Michael Dütsch, Klaus Fredenhagen November 25, 2002 renormalization open access link Commun.Math.Phys. 243 (2003) 275-314 Pages« first‹ previous…23456next ›last »