What happened to the backend?

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What happened to the backend?

Here the backend looks messed up, ie no formatting at all (only times font etc) - do you also see this?

I wanted to start the bibliography section by defining a content type "book", but after adding fields I get error messages ... any ideas?

same problem here. looks like

same problem here. looks like the admin theme "seven" is not recognized although it is activated and set.

changed it to the default

changed it to the default theme. better now.

I added a new admin theme.

I added a new admin theme. looks much better now ;-).

Activating themes

Apparently many of our themes are broken on filesystem level, there are for instance no preview images shown in the theme overview. I also like the admin theme you set. Also, it should not be necessary for a theme to be set to active to make it available as an admin theme, right?

Themes & Modules

I think something else is messed up in our filesystem, because the theme overview also shows some "themes" that have the names and descriptions of modules...

acquia drupal in themes folder...?

Ok, the solution to the theme problem was to remove the installation of acquia-drupal that I found in the "themes" folder (?) In case it's still needed, I put its contents into html/themes/acquia.tar.bz2 Although not necessary due to the nice new admin theme, Seven should work again, too.

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