Space-Time as an Orderparameter Manifold in Random Networks and the Emergence of Physical Points

Manfred Requardt
February 11, 1999
In the following we are going to describe how macroscopic space-time is supposed to emerge as an orderparameter manifold or superstructure floating in a stochastic discrete network structure. As in preceeding work (mentioned below), our analysis is based on the working philosophy that both physics and the corresponding mathematics have to be genuinely discrete on the primordial (Planck scale) level. This strategy is concretely implemented in the form of cellular networks and random graphs. One of our main themes is the development of the concept of physical (proto)points as densely entangled subcomplexes of the network and their respective web, establishing something like (proto)causality. It max perhaps be said that certain parts of our programme are realisations of some old and qualitative ideas of Menger and more recent ones sketched by Smolin a couple of years ago. We briefly indicate how this two-story-concept of space-time can be used to encode the (at least in our view) existing non-local aspects of quantum theory without violating macroscopic space-time causality!

quantum gravity, noncommutative geometry