On the PCT--Theorem in the Theory of Local Observables
Hans-Jürgen Borchers, Jakob Yngvason open access linkAn application of the DR-duality theory for compact groups to endomorphism categories of C*-algebras with nontrivial center
Hellmut Baumgärtel, Fernando Lledó open access linkFields Inst.Commun. 30 (2001) 1-10
Braided Structure in 4-dimensional conformal Quantum Field Theory
Bert Schroer open access link Phys.Lett. B506 (2001) 337-343Transplantation of Local Nets and Geometric Modular Action on Robertson-Walker Space-Times
Detlev Buchholz, Jens Mund, Stephen J. Summers open access linkMathematical physics in mathematics and physics (Siena, 2000), 65--81, Fields Inst. Commun. 30, Amer. Math. Soc., Providence, RI, 2001.
On generalizations of the spectrum condition
Rainer Verch open access linkFields Inst.Commun.30:409-428,2001