Local Quantum Physics and beyond - In memoriam Rudolf Haag
Hamburg26.9.2016 to 27.9.2016
Summer school "Geometric Cauchy problems on Lorentzian manifolds"
Regensburg01.8.2016 to 05.8.2016
Classical and quantum symmetries in mathematics and physics
Jena, Germany25.7.2016 to 29.7.2016
Oberwolfach Workshop 1630 "Recent Mathematical Developments in Quantum Field Theory"
Oberwolfach24.7.2016 to 30.7.2016
Operator Algebras and Quantum Field Theory - Dedicated to the memory of John E. Roberts
INFN - Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati, Frascati (RM), Italy27.6.2016 to 29.6.2016
38th LQP Workshop "Foundations and Constructive Aspects of QFT"
Technische Universität München27.5.2016 to 28.5.2016
DPG Spring Conference
Hamburg29.2.2016 to 04.3.2016
37th LQP Workshop "Foundations and Constructive Aspects of QFT"
Göttingen, Mathematisches Institut15.1.2016 to 16.1.2016
Workshop: "Quantum Field Theory: Infrared problems and constructive aspects"
Technische Universität München08.10.2015 to 09.10.2015
ICMP 2015
Santiago de Chile26.7.2015 to 01.8.2015
Operator Algebras and Quantum Physics
Sao Paulo17.7.2015 to 23.7.2015
14th Marcel Grossmann Meeting (with several special sessions on QFT)
La Sapienza, Rome12.7.2015 to 18.7.2015
LQP 36 Foundations and Constructive Aspects of Quantum Field Theory
Leipzig29.5.2015 to 30.5.2015
Bayrischzell workshop 2015
Bayrischzell29.5.2015 to 01.6.2015
DPG Spring Conference
Berlin15.3.2015 to 20.3.2015
New Trends in Algebraic Quantum Field Theory (AQFT2015)
Frascati11.2.2015 to 13.2.2015
LQP 35 Foundations and Constructive Aspects of Quantum Field Theory
Göttingen / Goslar14.11.2014 to 15.11.2014
Quantum Mathematical Physics
Regensburg29.9.2014 to 02.10.2014
Operator and Geometric Analysis on Quantum Theory
Levico Terme (Trento), Italy15.9.2014 to 19.9.2014
Third Erlangen Fall School on Quantum Geometry
Erlangen15.9.2014 to 18.9.2014
Conceptual and technical challenges for quantum gravity
Università di Roma "Sapienza"08.9.2014 to 12.9.2014
Non-commutative Geometry and its Applications
Hausdorff Institute, Bonn01.9.2014 to 19.12.2014
Frontiers of Fundamental Physics
Marseille15.7.2014 to 18.7.2014
FJIM 2014 (with special session "Operator Algebras and Applications to Quantum Physics")
Bilbao30.6.2014 to 04.7.2014
Integrable Systems and Quantum symmetries
Prague23.6.2014 to 29.6.2014
Summer School Asymptotic Analysis in General Relativity
Grenoble16.6.2014 to 04.7.2014
Bayrischzell Workshop 2014 - Quantized geometry and physics
Bayrischzell23.5.2014 to 26.5.2014
Algebraic Quantum Field Theory - Its status and its future
ESI, Vienna19.5.2014 to 23.5.2014
LQP34 - Workshop "Foundations and Constructive Aspects of QFT"
Erlangen25.4.2014 to 26.4.2014
DPG Spring Conference
HU Berlin, Germany17.3.2014 to 21.3.2014
Mini lecture series H. Grosse, R. Wulkenhaar: "A solvable QFT in 4 dimensions"
Göttingen27.11.2013 to 29.11.2013
SFB Miniworkshop "C*-Algebras, C*-Bundles and Group Actions"
University of Münster25.11.2013 to 29.11.2013
33rd Workshop "Foundations and Constructive Aspects of QFT"
Universität Göttingen14.11.2013 to 16.11.2013
Renormalisation from Quantum Field Theory to Random and Dynamical Systems
Potsdam, Germany07.11.2013 to 09.11.2013
Second Erlangen Fall School on Quantum Geometry
Erlangen07.10.2013 to 11.10.2013
Journées de physique mathematique "Topological Insulators"
Lyon11.9.2013 to 13.9.2013
QMATH 12 - Mathematical Results in Quantum Mechanics
HU Berlin10.9.2013 to 13.9.2013
Noncommutative Field Theory and Gravity
Corfu, Greece08.9.2013 to 15.9.2013
Topics in Operator Algebras and Applications
ICMAT, Campus de Cantoblanco, Madrid02.9.2013 to 06.9.2013
Geoquant 2013
ESI Vienna19.8.2013 to 30.8.2013
Mathematics and Quantum Physics
Rome (Accademia dei Lincei)08.7.2013 to 12.7.2013
Warsaw07.7.2013 to 13.7.2013
LQP32 - Workshop "Foundations and Constructive Aspects of QFT"
Universität Wuppertal31.5.2013 to 01.6.2013
Workshop "Analytical Aspects of Mathematical Physics"
Pauli Center, ETH Zürich27.5.2013 to 31.5.2013
Noncommutativity and Physics: Quantization, topological models, and generalized geometries
Bayrischzell, Germany24.5.2013 to 27.5.2013
Quantum Geometry and Matter (Planckland II, Noncommutative Manifolds III)
SISSA, Trieste08.4.2013 to 12.4.2013
Quantum Fields, Gravity, & Information
Nottingham03.4.2013 to 05.4.2013
Quantization and Reduction 2013
Erlangen18.3.2013 to 21.3.2013
DPG Spring Conference (with sessions on "Lattice QFT" and "Approaches to Quantum Gravity")
Jena25.2.2013 to 01.3.2013
31th Workshop "Foundations and Constructive Aspects of QFT"
Universität Leipzig23.11.2012 to 24.11.2012