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Local Quantum Physics Crossroads
An international platform for information exchange among scientists working on
mathematical, conceptual, and constructive problems in
local relativistic quantum physics (LQP).
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Characterization of local observables in integrable quantum field theories
Henning Bostelmann
Daniela Cadamuro
February 25, 2014
two-dimensional models
integrable models
open access link
Commun. Math. Phys. 337(3), 1199-1240 (2015)
Spectral properties of compact normal quaternionic operators
Riccardo Ghiloni
Valter Moretti
Alessandro Perotti
February 12, 2014
quaternionic functional analysis
compact operators
open access link
Hypercomplex Analysis: New perspectives and applications, Trends in Mathematics, Birkhauser, Basel (2014)
Locally covariant quantum field theory with external sources
Christopher J. Fewster
Alexander Schenkel
February 11, 2014
locally covariant quantum field theory
relative Cauchy evolution
dynamical locality
quantum field theory on curved spacetimes
affine quantum field theory
open access link
Annales Henri Poincare 16, 2303-2365 (2015)
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