Twisted duality of the CAR-Algebra
Hellmut Baumgärtel, Matthias Jurke, Fernando Lledó
April 15, 2002
We give a complete proof of the twisted duality property M(q)'= Z M(q^\perp)
Z* of the (self-dual) CAR-Algebra in any Fock representation. The proof is
based on the natural Halmos decomposition of the (reference) Hilbert space when
two suitable closed subspaces have been distinguished. We use modular theory
and techniques developed by Kato concerning pairs of projections in some
essential steps of the proof.
As a byproduct of the proof we obtain an explicit and simple formula for the
graph of the modular operator. This formula can be also applied to fermionic
free nets, hence giving a formula of the modular operator for any double cone.