Correspondence between Minkowski and de Sitter Quantum Field Theory
Marco Bertola, Vittorio Gorini, Ugo Moschella, Richard Schaeffer
June 04, 1999
In this letter we show that the ``preferred'' Klein-Gordon Quantum Field Theories (QFT's) on a d-dimensional de Sitter spacetime can be obtained from a Klein-Gordon QFT on a (d+1)-dimensional ``ambient'' Minkowski spacetime satisfying the spectral condition and, conversely, that a Klein-Gordon QFT on a (d+1)-dimensional ``ambient'' Minkowski spacetime satisfying the spectral
condition can be obtained as superposition of d-dimensional de Sitter Klein-Gordon fields in the preferred vacuum. These results establish a correspondence between QFT's living on manifolds having different dimensions. The method exposed here can be applied to study other situations and notably QFT on Anti de Sitter spacetime.
QFT on curved spacetimes, de Sitter spacetime