Spectral Theory of Automorphism Groups and Particle Structures in Quantum Field Theory
Wojciech Dybalski
January 20, 2009
This Thesis presents some physically motivated criteria for the existence of
particles and infra-particles in a given quantum field theory. It is based on a
refined spectral theory of automorphism groups describing the energy-momentum
transfer of local observables. In particular, a novel decomposition of the
algebra of local observables into spectral subspaces is constructed. Apart from
the counterparts of the pure-point and absolutely continuous subspaces,
familiar from the spectral theory of operators, there appears a new
'point-continuous' subspace. It belongs to the singular-continuous part of the
decomposition, but is finite-dimensional in a large class of models; its
dimension carries information about the infrared structure of a theory. It is
shown that this point-continuous subspace is trivial in all theories complying
with a regularity condition proposed in this work. Moreover, this condition
entails the existence of particles if the theory admits a stress-energy tensor.
The uniqueness of the decomposition of the algebra of observables into the
pure-point and continuous subspace is established by proving an ergodic theorem
for automorphism groups. The proof is based on physically motivated phase space
conditions which have a number of interesting consequences pertaining to the
vacuum structure such as the convergence of physical states to a unique vacuum
under large timelike translations.