Warped Convolutions: A Novel Tool in the Construction of Quantum Field Theories
Detlev Buchholz, Stephen J. Summers
June 02, 2008
Recently, Grosse and Lechner introduced a novel deformation procedure for
non-interacting quantum field theories, giving rise to interesting examples of
wedge-localized quantum fields with a non-trivial scattering matrix. In the
present article we outline an extension of this procedure to the general
framework of quantum field theory by introducing the concept of warped
convolutions: given a theory, this construction provides wedge-localized
operators which commute at spacelike distances, transform covariantly under the
underlying representation of the Poincare group and admit a scattering theory.
The corresponding scattering matrix is nontrivial but breaks the Lorentz
symmetry, in spite of the covariance and wedge-locality properties of the
deformed operators.