Continuity of symplectically adjoint maps and the algebraic structure of Hadamard vacuum representations for quantum fields on curved spacetime
Rainer Verch
September 30, 1996
We derive for a pair of operators on a symplectic space which are adjoints of
each other with respect to the symplectic form (that is, they are sympletically
adjoint) that, if they are bounded for some scalar product on the symplectic
space dominating the symplectic form, then they are bounded with respect to a
one-parametric family of scalar products canonically associated with the
initially given one, among them being its ``purification''. As a typical
example we consider a scalar field on a globally hyperbolic spacetime governed
by the Klein-Gordon equation; the classical system is described by a symplectic
space and the temporal evolution by symplectomorphisms (which are
symplectically adjoint to their inverses). A natural scalar product is that
inducing the classical energy norm, and an application of the above result
yields that its ``purification'' induces on the one-particle space of the
quantized system a topology which coincides with that given by the two-point
functions of quasifree Hadamard states. These findings will be shown to lead to
new results concerning the structure of the local (von Neumann)
observable-algebras in representations of quasifree Hadamard states of the
Klein-Gordon field in an arbitrary globally hyperbolic spacetime, such as local
definiteness, local primarity and Haag-duality (and also split- and type
III_1-properties). A brief review of this circle of notions, as well as of
properties of Hadamard states, forms part of the article.