A critical look at 50 years particle theory from the perspective of the crossing property
Bert Schroer
May 25, 2009
The crossing property is perhaps the most subtle aspect of the particle-field
relation. Although it is not difficult to state its content in terms of certain
analytic properties relating different matrixelements of the S-matrix or
formfactors, its relation to the localization- and positive energy spectral
principles requires a level of insight into the inner workings of QFT which
goes beyond anything which can be found in typical textbooks on QFT. This paper
presents a recent account based on new ideas derived from "modular
localization" including a mathematic appendix on this subject. Its main novel
achievement is the proof of the crossing property of formfactors from a
two-algebra generalization of the KMS condition. The main content of this
article is the presentation of the derailments of particle theory during more
than 4 decades: the S-matrix bootstrap, the dual model and its string theoretic
extension. Rather than being related to crossing, string theory is the (only
known) realization of a dynamic infinite component one-particle wave function
space and its associated infinite component field. Here "dynamic" means that,
unlike a mere collection of infinitely many irreducible unitary Poincar\'e
group representation or free fields, the formalism contains also operators
which communicate between the different irreducible Poincar\'e represenations
(the levels of the "infinite tower") and set the mass/spin spectrum. Wheras in
pre-string times there were unsuccessful attempts to achieve this in analogy to
the O(4,2) hydrogen spectrum by the use of higher noncompact groups, the
superstring in d=9+1, which uses instead (bosonic/fermionic) oscillators
obtained from multicomponent chiral currents is the only known unitary positive
energy solution of the dynamical infinite component pointlike localized field