Quantum energy inequalities in integrable models with several particle species and bound states

Henning Bostelmann, Daniela Cadamuro, Jan Mandrysch
January 25, 2023
We investigate lower bounds to the time-smeared energy density, so-called quantum energy inequalities (QEI), in the class of integrable models of quantum field theory. Our main results are a state-independent QEI for models with constant scattering function and a QEI at one-particle level for generic models. In the latter case, we classify the possible form of the stress-energy tensor from first principles and establish a link between the existence of QEIs and the large-rapidity asymptotics of the two-particle form factor of the energy density. Concrete examples include the Bullough-Dodd, the Federbush, and the $O(n)$-nonlinear sigma models.
