Minicourse on quantum field theory in curved spacetimes

October 2, 2023 to October 13, 2023
In anticipation of an online celebration of the fiftieth anniversary of the publication of "The Four Laws of black hole mechanics" in December (to be announced), this mini-course is the first in a series of three, aiming to prepare students and young researchers for the main event. This mini-course provides an introduction to quantum field theory in curved spacetime. Our goal will be to derive the Unruh effect and use it as an example of many techniques employed in the community: the algebraic approach, Fock space quantization, path integral techniques, and particle detectors. We shall also discuss a bit about the Hawking effect. The last lecture is devoted to the functional renormalization group, a technique that hasn’t been much explored within QFT in curved spacetimes settings so far.