Leipzig, Germany
September 12, 2022 to September 16, 2022
The Emmy Noether junior research group at the ITP Leipzig, lead by Daniela Cadamuro, will host the conference "Energy conditions in quantum field theory" in Leipzig from September 12, 2022 to September 16, 2022.
The conference is intended to cover topics such as quantum energy inequalities, entropy and thermal states in quantum field theory (QFT), and more generally, the role of the Hamiltonian and the stress-energy tensor in quantum physics.
If you intend to participate please register via the online form at the conference website. There are some slots for talks available, in particular for early career researchers.
We are looking forward to meeting you in Leipzig,
Daniela Cadamuro, Markus Fröb and Christoph Minz
Email contact: ecqft@itp.uni-leipzig.de