Weak adiabatic limit in quantum field theories with massless particles

Paweł Duch
January 30, 2018
We construct the Wightman and Green functions in a large class of models of perturbative QFT in the four-dimensional Minkowski space in the Epstein-Glaser framework. To this end we prove the existence of the weak adiabatic limit, generalizing the results due to Blanchard and Seneor. Our proof is valid under the assumption that the time-ordered products satisfy certain normalization condition. We show that this normalization condition may be imposed in all models with interaction vertices of canonical dimension 4 as well as in all models with interaction vertices of canonical dimension 3 provided each of them contains at least one massive field. Moreover, we prove that it is compatible with all the standard normalization conditions which are usually imposed on the time-ordered products. The result applies, for example, to quantum electrodynamics and non-abelian Yang-Mills theories.
