Modern mathematics of Quantum Theory

York 5-7 September 2017

The aim of the meeting is to bring together mathematicians and mathematical physicists interested in foundational aspects of Quantum Field Theory. The main topics that will be discussed during the workshop are: algebraic quantum field theory, factorization algebras, category theory, BV formalism and homotopical algebra.

The speakers are:

  • Dorothea Bahns (Goettingen)
  • Marco Benini (Potsdam)
  • Daniela Cadamuro (Munich)
  • Alberto Cattaneo (Zuerich)
  • Claudio Dappiaggi (Pavia)
  • Klaus Fredenhagen (Hamburg)
  • Owen Gwilliam (Bonn)
  • Estanislao Herscovich (Grenoble)
  • Gandalf Lechner (Cardiff)
  • Michael Mueger (Nijmegen)
  • Nguyen Viet Dang (Lyon)
  • Nicola Pinamonti (Genova)
  • Giuseppe Ruzzi (Rome Tor Vergata)
  • Alexander Schenkel (Nottingham)
  • Christoph Schweigert (Hamburg)

The schedule is available here and the book of abstracts can be downloaded from here

Participant list.

The workshop will be hosted at King’s Manor, which is a lovely historical building right in the city centre.